

Monday, June 17, 2013

Happy Father's Day

I couldn't let Father's Day go by without acknowledging all of the the father figures in my life.  So men have  played such an such an important roll in my life in helping me become the person and mother that I want to be.

I first want to acknowledge my own father.  He is one of the most honest, hard working, dedicated, determined, loving and stubborn (love you Dad!) people I know.  He taught me what it means to work hard, to make sacrifices to achieve your goals, to always keep moving forward in faith even when things seem difficult or impossible, to be organized, to be goal oriented, to never give up just because something is hard, to seek for knowledge and to love music.  He was always making us laugh at the dinner table when we were kids by telling us the most ridiculous jokes.  He would play the accordion and the guitar while we sang and danced.  He can play the piano by ear and loves to sing with his children and grandchildren.  He is the greatest Papa any grandchild could ask for and loves his grandchildren fiercely.  He taught me to walk by faith, love and respect my Heavenly Father, love the temple and be obedient to the commandments.  We may not have seen eye to eye on everything when I was younger but the truth is I am a lot like him in many ways and I am grateful for that.  I hope to emulate his best qualities and pass them on to my own children.  I love you Dad.  Thank you for loving me and teaching me to be a good mother and wife.  Thank you for always providing for and protecting us both temporally and spiritually.  And thank you for loving my baby girls.  They love their papa!  Happy Father's day.

Next I want to acknowledge my husband.  He is one of the most patient, kind, loving, supportive, committed people I know and without him I wouldn't have my two beautiful little girls.  Thank you for loving me despite all of my weaknesses, putting up with my intense desire to be the best mother I can be even when that desire makes me a little crazy and moody at times and thank you for loving me more than I feel like I deserve at times.  I love you.  Happy Father's day.

Next I want to recognize my kind, gracious and loving Heavenly Father who has blessed me with all that I have.  Without him I would be nothing and have nothing.  He gave my spirit life, he sacrificed his son so that I would be able to return to live with him despite my mortal weaknesses, he sent me to a loving family who taught me the gospel of Jesus Christ, he has given me the gift of the Holy Ghost to guide me and direct me here upon the earth.  He led me to find my eternal companion who took me to the temple to be sealed to him forever.  He has given me friends, role models, teachers and leaders who have inspired me, directed me, loved me and who taught me how to love, live and laugh.  He has given me weaknesses and trials to make me strong and has given me more blessings and joy than I could ever hope to have.  I love him and know that I am his daughter and will live with him again one day.

And lastly, happy Father's Day to my father-in-law Chris.  Who raised such a wonderful son and who is a wonderful grandpa to my girls.  To my Grandpa George Badger who taught me to love to read and thirst for knowledge.  To my Uncle Jack who loves me like his own daughter and has been an example to me in more ways than he knows.  To my brother Mike who loves with his whole heart.  And to my brother Jeff who will be an amazing father one day because he is wonderful uncle.  I love you all and hope that you had a wonderful Father's Day.  I'm blessed to have you all as part of my family and wish I could have rounded up pictures of all of you.



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